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Seeking advice on the best colleges for military science students

Hello everyone, I'm a junior thinking about majoring in military science. I've done some research, but I'm looking for recommendations based on experiences or what you've heard. Any suggestions on where I should apply?

5 months ago

Certainly! Here are some colleges known for their strong military science programs:

1. Norwich University: This school in Northfield, Vermont, is the oldest private military college in the country and the birthplace of ROTC. The military science curriculum is integrated with leadership and physical training.

2. United States Military Academy (West Point): There's no doubt that West Point is one of the top options. As a federal service academy, students receive free tuition in exchange for an active duty service obligation upon graduation.

3. Virginia Military Institute (VMI): This is another top-ranked military college. VMI offers a military science program along with leadership training.

4. The Citadel: Located in Charleston, South Carolina, The Citadel offers a military science curriculum to its cadets, along with leadership and physical training.

5. Texas A&M University: Texas A&M has a well-known Corps of Cadets program where students can major in military science.

Of course, these are just a few examples, and there are many factors to consider, like location, other academic interests, culture, and career goals. It's important to carefully research these factors and reach out to the respective admission offices or student veterans' services if you have specific queries or needs.

Additionally, keep in mind that military science is often studied as part of ROTC programs at many universities. So look out for colleges that offer robust ROTC programs as well.

Also, remember that the application process might be different for military academies, like West Point, compared to civilian colleges. Be sure to understand the obligations of attending a military college before making your choice.

Lastly, while considering these options, don't forget about the scholarship opportunities available through programs like the Army ROTC scholarship, which can cover tuition fees and offer stipends.

5 months ago

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