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Help identifying colleges in Florida that cater to military?

I'm joining the military soon but planning ahead for college. I will be looking into schools in Florida and could use some personal recommendations. I know some universities are more friendly to veterans than others. Any thoughts from the community?

5 months ago

Absolutely, I would recommend looking into University of South Florida (USF). USF is well-regarded for its strong support of veterans and has a designated Office of Veteran Success offering a wide range of services. This includes academic coaching, career services, and even areas like assistance with VA benefits. It's designed as a one-stop-shop to make the transition to student life smoother.

Another great option is Florida State University (FSU). FSU's Student Veterans Center offers a range of resources including peer counseling, academic mentoring, customized advising and veterans-specific workshops. FSU is also part of the VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program, which links students to a dedicated VA counselor.

Lastly, the University of West Florida (UWF) is worth considering too. UWF's Military & Veterans Resource Center provides information about tuition assistance, scholarships for military members and veterans, and it also offers academic advising and tutoring services specifically for veterans.

Remember, it's key to consider what kind of veteran-specific resources and services a university offers besides just the academic programs. Those services can significantly assist in your collegiate success and transition from military service. Good luck on your academic journey!

5 months ago

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