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Searching for Military-friendly colleges in San Diego. Any ideas?

My family and I are situated in San Diego, and I'd really like to study near them when I leave the service. Anybody have suggestions for good colleges here that are known for supporting their military students?

7 months ago

San Diego is a military-friendly city with quite a few colleges that have good resources for veteran and active duty students.

1. San Diego State University (SDSU): SDSU has Veterans Center that offers a comprehensive set of services to support veterans, active-duty military, and their families. It provides academic advising, VA benefits and financial assistance support, and counseling services. It also has a veteran's organization on campus where you can connect with other military students.

2. University of San Diego (USD): USD also has a Military and Veterans Program which provides assistance in accessing benefits while offering support services and resources. They also have a Student Veterans Organization (SVO) for social and networking opportunities.

3. National University: NU is a notable choice as it's one of the largest providers of higher education to active-duty military and veterans, and it was founded by a veteran. Most classes are online or in 4-week formats, which can be beneficial for active service people. It also offers Tuition Reduction for military communities.

4. San Diego City College: SDCC has a strong Veterans Services department as well. They assist with benefits and have a mentorship program for veterans.

5. Point Loma Nazarene University: Although not in the public system, PLNU also has a Veterans Services department providing resources for active-duty military, veterans, and their dependents.

Each school is unique, so it's a good idea to visit their respective websites or contact their admissions offices to get more specific information about the support they offer to their military students. When you're ready to leave the service, remember to take advantage of these resources to make your transition to college as smooth as possible. Good luck with your studies!

7 months ago

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