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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where do I find the Awards section in the Common App?

I've got some state-level athletic awards I want to include in my app but can't seem to find the Awards section on the Common App. Can someone tell me where to input this info? Or is it supposed to go under 'Honors'?

11 months ago

Hello! Certainly, listing your state-level athletic awards is a valuable addition to your application. On the Common Application, there is a section specifically dedicated to honors and awards. You'll find it in the 'Education' section of the application.

Once you're there, scroll down until you reach the 'Honors' subsection. This is where you'll input any academic awards or other distinctions you've received, and it's the perfect spot for your athletic accolades as well.

Remember, you have a limit of five entries in this section, so choose the honors that best highlight your achievements. Since state-level athletic awards are impressive and not common among all applicants, they are a significant accomplishment you should definitely include.

If you have more than five awards, prioritize those that you believe are the most prestigious or relevant to your application. Best of luck with your college admissions process!

11 months ago

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