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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I calculate my final GPA for high school accurately?

Getting pretty stressed over here. I'm trying to fill out my college apps, and they're asking for my final high school GPA. Is there a standard way to calculate it, or does it vary by school? I want to make sure I'm getting it right before I submit anything.

11 months ago

Calculating your final high school GPA usually involves a few straightforward steps. However, the specifics can differ slightly depending on your high school's grading system. Typically, you would convert each of your final class grades to the corresponding GPA value on your school's scale (such as a 4.0 for the letter grade 'A'), multiply each by the number of credits the class is worth, and then add all these figures together. To find your final, cumulative GPA, divide this total by the total number of credits for all the classes you've taken.

To ensure accuracy, check if your school provides a weighted or unweighted GPA (weighted accounts for the difficulty level of your classes). Plus, don't forget that some colleges may recalculate your GPA based on their own scale. If you have any doubt about your calculations, reach out to your guidance counselor; they can provide your official GPA or help you calculate it. Lastly, be sure to read the application instructions carefully—some colleges have very specific instructions on how to report your GPA.

11 months ago

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