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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting into AP Classes?

Hey guys, I'm a bit stressed about next year's schedule. I really want to get into AP classes to boost my college app but my school has prerequisites. Anyone have tips on how to convince the counselors or demonstrate that I'm ready for the challenge of AP courses?

11 months ago

To demonstrate readiness for AP classes, focus on your current performance, particularly in subjects related to the AP courses you're interested in. For instance, strong grades in honors classes or previous subjects in the same discipline can be a convincing argument. Additionally, try to highlight your study habits, time management skills, and any extracurricular involvement that shows you're capable of handling rigorous coursework.

If your school requires teacher recommendations, reach out to your current teachers and ask for their support. Clearly express why you're interested in the AP courses and how you plan to succeed. This way, they can provide specific examples of your dedication and ability to handle advanced classes.

Lastly, talk honestly with your counselors about your aspirations and seek their advice on how to prepare over the summer if there are any gaps in your knowledge. Sometimes, schools may have summer prep programs or recommended materials that can help you get ready.

Good luck, and remember to maintain a balanced schedule that allows you to excel not only in AP classes but also in your overall high school experience.

11 months ago

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