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Which colleges are best for studying military psychology?

Hey guys, I've got an interest in both psychology and the military, and I'm considering a career in military psychology. Can some of you share your thoughts on which colleges have good programs for this? I want some personal experiences and opinions to supplement what I'm finding online and in school pamphlets. Thanks a lot!

5 months ago

While military psychology isn't typically a separate undergraduate major, certain schools do offer a solid curriculum encompassing psychology and military studies that could be beneficial. Here are some that could potentially fit for your needs:

1. George Mason University: Their Department of Psychology has a track in Clinical Psychology that could be a good fit for someone looking into military psychology. They also have a multi-disciplinary B.A. in Government and International Politics with a Concentration in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, where you could look into national security issues.

2. University of Southern California: USC has a renowned Department of Psychology and School of Social Work, which could prove to be really valuable. They also have an Air Force ROTC program which could offer an interesting perspective on your pursuit of military psychology.

3. Texas A&M University: A&M is an excellent school with a strong ROTC program and a highly-rated Department of Psychology.

4. Virginia Military Institute (VMI): VMI, a public military college, offers an Applied Psychology program along with their Corps of Cadets experience, giving students a distinctly military environment that combines academic study and military training.

5. Norwich University: As one of the oldest private military colleges in the country, Norwich offers a Psychology major and positions itself as a leader in experiential education.

Remember that in a field like psychology, research experiences and internships are going to be hugely beneficial. Many of these colleges offer excellent opportunities in this regard. Look into the faculty and the kind of research they're doing, as aligning your interests with a professor can be a great way to gain experience and networking opportunities. After you finish your undergraduate degree, keep in mind that to practice as a psychologist, you will definitely need a graduate degree. There are a few graduate programs specifically in military psychology, such as the ones at Adler University and the University of Southern California.

5 months ago

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