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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is there a limit to how many schools the Common App fee waiver will cover?

Hey guys, as I'm planning my college applications, I was wondering about the Common App fee waiver situation. Does anyone know if there's a limit to the number of schools it can cover? Don't want to be caught off-guard when I start applying!

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic you're planning ahead for your applications. The Common App fee waiver is actually quite accommodating. Once you've qualified and have been granted a fee waiver, it will apply to all the schools you apply to through the Common App – there isn't a set limit. This can really relieve the financial burden of applying to multiple colleges. Just ensure you meet one of the indicators of economic need listed in the Common App fee waiver section.

You'll be prompted to request a fee waiver when you fill out your Common App profile under the 'Profile' section. Your school counselor will have to confirm that you're eligible for a waiver, so make sure to have a conversation with them to get this sorted out. Once your counselor approves, you can apply to numerous Common App schools without the stress of covering those application fees. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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