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Attending College While in the Military—Experiences, Tips?

Hi, I am considering joining the military but I also want to go to college. Does anyone have experience attending college while in the military? Do you have any advice or tips that might help?

5 months ago

Balancing a college education while actively serving in the military is certainly possible and many have successfully done it. However, it does present a unique set of challenges that require effective time management and diligent planning.

1. Take advantage of the educational benefits offered by the military, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Tuition Assistance. These schemes can greatly reduce the financial burden and provide for tuition fees, housing, and textbooks.

2. Consider taking online or distance learning programs. These offer more flexibility in scheduling which can be beneficial since military duty often comes with unpredictable changes and extensive travel. Look for colleges that have robust online education platforms.

3. Another option is to attend schools that have a prominent military presence and a history of supporting military services. These schools are more likely to understand the intricacies of military life and be more flexible when it comes to deployments or rigorous training schedules.

4. Reach out to your base's education center or Veteran student affairs on campus. They can guide you through the process of applying for financial aid, selecting schools, and provide valuable insight about juggling military duties with academics.

5. Utilize your experience in the military when selecting a major or program. The skills you acquire in service, such as leadership, discipline, teamwork, and strategic thinking, can translate well into various fields of study and professional areas.

6. Lastly, lean on the support of your peers. There may be other service members who are also pursuing higher education. Sharing challenges and strategies can alleviate stress and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Remember, pursuing higher education while serving is a challenge but definitely achievable. Take advantage of the resources available to you and you can successfully progress on both fronts.

5 months ago

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