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Joining the Military After Earning College Credits

Hey all! I've already completed some college but thinking of joining the military. What will happen to my credits? Will they be useful in any way in the military?

5 months ago

Absolutely, your accomplished college credits can be beneficial in several ways when joining the military.

Firstly, your college credits, depending on how many you have, can qualify you for a higher rank on entry. In other words, you might begin with a higher pay grade than someone who enlisted straight out of high school. You'd need to check with the specific branch you're contemplating as each has its own standards regarding academic advancement.

Secondly, depending on your field of study and the role you choose within the military, your credits could potentially apply directly to your military career. The knowledge gained from your college courses may be relevant and beneficial in your chosen military occupational specialty.

Lastly, those credits can also come into play if you plan to pursue further education while in the military or once your time of service is completed. Through tuition assistance programs or the GI Bill, you can continue your education while in the military or post-service. Your credits would help you towards the completion of a degree faster.

However, it's significant to know that the transferability of credits relies on various factors like the accreditation of the institution you attended, the relevance of the courses to your intended program, and the requirements of the individual educational institution.

It might also be worth checking in with a military recruiter to discuss your specific situation and aspirations. They could provide a comprehensive perspective based on your individual scenario.

In conclusion, your college credits can indeed be advantageous during, and even after, your military service.

5 months ago

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