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Becoming a military pilot after college: how feasible is it?

Greetings folks, I've always dreamed of becoming a pilot and I'm thinking the military can be a great way to achieve that after I get my degree. But I'm not sure about the specifics. Could anyone share some insights or maybe even personal experiences?

5 months ago

Absolutely, joining the military after college is definitely a feasible path to becoming a pilot! Several branches of the U.S. military, such as the Air Force, Navy, Army, Marines, and even the Coast Guard, offer opportunities to become a pilot.

That being said, it's important to note that the process is quite competitive and rigorous. Each branch has specific requirements that must be met. The basics typically include that you must be a U.S. citizen, pass a military physical examination, and hold a bachelor's degree in any subject from an accredited institution.

In terms of the process, you'd need to enroll in Officer Training School, Officer Candidate School, or attend the appropriate Academy depending on which branch you choose. This is followed by various stages of flight training. This process will probably take a few years in total. It's also worth noting that there is a service commitment after training, which can range from 8 to 10 years depending on the branch of the military.

Furthermore, you should consider health requirements since pilots need to be in top physical shape. Eyesight, for example, is a common concern, though it doesn't have to be perfect. Most military branches will admit candidates who have had their eyesight corrected to 20/20 with laser surgery.

Approaching a local recruiter can provide more detailed information tailor-made to fit your specific circumstances, educational background and health status.

Overall, while the journey is challenging it can also be immensely rewarding. If being a pilot is your dream, pursuing this path could not only allow for personal achievement but also the opportunity to serve your country. It's advised to do thorough research and have realistic expectations about the time, commitment, and the physical and mental demands that come with it.

5 months ago

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