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Military Colleges with Loan Repayment Plans?

Hey guys, just weighing my options for the future. I know military colleges can be a great path. Do any of them offer loan repayment programs or is everything covered by scholarships and grants? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

One thing to consider as you explore military colleges is the ROTC program (Reserve Officer Training Corps), which is available at numerous colleges and universities across the United States. This is a college program that prepares students to become officers in all branches of the U.S. military. In exchange for a certain number of years of active military service after graduation, ROTC cadets can receive full tuition, often including room and board, or substantial scholarships covering a significant portion. It's not a loan, so there is no need for repayment.

A second option is applying for service academies like the United States Military Academy (West Point), Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy, and Merchant Marine Academy. These academies are federally funded and provide a free college education (including tuition, room, and board) in exchange for a commitment to serve in the military following graduation. They are highly competitive but an excellent opportunity if you're considering serving.

A third pathway to consider is enrolling in a civilian college or university and then leveraging the service-conditional benefits offered by programs like the Army's College Loan Repayment Program (CLRP). This program pays off a significant portion of federally backed student loan debt in return for enlisting in a specific job specialty or signing-up for a certain length of military service.

The GI Bill is another potential resource, which can assist with tuition, housing, and other costs. While typically used for post-service education benefits, certain subsets of the GI Bill can be applied during service.

Remember, these options all come with a service commitment, so it's essential to think about whether a career in the military aligns with your long-term plans before making a decision.

Also, be aware that each branch has its own guidelines and deadlines for these programs. Some benefits may only apply to active-duty personnel, while others extend to the Reserves and National Guard. It's essential to research each one to see where you can find the most benefit.

5 months ago

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