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Cheapest Colleges for Online Education for Military Veterans

Hey everyone! I'm a military veteran looking to go back to school, but cost is a significant factor for me right now. I'm thinking online study could be a good fit. Any ideas on the cheapest online colleges that cater to military veterans?

5 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help with that! While there are many online colleges available, here are few options which are particularly affordable and veteran-friendly:

1. American Military University (AMU): This is a member of the American Public University System and they offer a dedicated military program with tuition grants available specifically for military and veteran students.

2. Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU): SNHU is known for its military-friendly policies. They offer tuition discounts for military service members and their spouses. They have a wide range of online undergrad and graduate degree programs.

3. University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC): UMGC offers reduced tuition rates for military and veteran students. They also have a Veterans Initiative Office to help with any academic or personal challenges veterans might face.

4. Western Governors University (WGU): They offer competency-based online learning which can be a great fit for veterans who can take advantage of their existing knowledge to accelerate their degree. WGU also has a Military Service Scholarship to help with costs.

In any case, don't forget to take advantage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill and other veterans' benefits, which can significantly offset your education costs. It's also best to connect with each school's military liaison or veterans' services office to understand your options and get the support you need.

Remember to consider factors other than just cost, like the quality of the program and support for veterans. Good luck as you embark on your educational journey!

5 months ago

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