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Help needed to find the best colleges for Double Majors

Hey, so I've decided I want to double major (yikes, I know right?). Before I dive deep into the rabbit hole of college research, does anyone have suggestions on which colleges are typically best for students who want to double major? Addendum- Is it more stressful than it's worth it?

5 months ago

There are several colleges that can cater well to students interested in pursuing a double major. Universities with a broader range of academic programs and more flexible academic policies tend to be the best fits. For example, schools like: University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, and Northwestern University are renowned for their flexible curriculum. Moreover, liberal arts colleges such as: Amherst College and Pomona College also allow students to take interdisciplinary courses.

For students interested in a combo of STEM and liberal arts, Stanford University and MIT have robust offerings and encouraging academic advisers to guide double major pursuits. Brown University's open curriculum allows students to double major and dive into interdisciplinary studies with less academic pressure as they don't have distribution requirements.

If you're worried about the workload, it's crucial to consider your time management skills. Double majoring will likely require you to juggle a rigorous course load, cross-departmental advising, and potential conflicts in course scheduling. However, many students find this challenge fulfilling and appreciate the wider range of skills and knowledge they gain.

Lastly, remember that while a double major can be beneficial, oftentimes having one major and delving deeply into it, involving oneself in associated extracurriculars, internships, and research can be just as, if not more, valuable. It's essential to weigh your interests, academic goals, and capacity for workload while making this decision. The opportunity to double major can provide a broad-based education and potentially make you more versatile, but it isn't the only route to success.

Just ensure that you're not double majoring merely for the resume boost, but because you are genuinely driven by a passion for two fields and see the interconnectivity or benefit of understanding both in depth. Hopefully, this provides some starting points for your college research, best of luck!

5 months ago

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