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What are the pros of enlisting in the military before college?

Hey everyone, trying to sort out my options here. I've been seriously considering enlisting in the military right after high school, before college. I'm aware there might be some benefits to this but I'm unsure about the specifics. Could anyone with experience or knowledge in this area share what these benefits might be? Thanks!

5 months ago

There are indeed several advantages to enlisting in the military before attending college. Here's a quick breakdown:

1. Financial Aid: One of the biggest benefits is the financial support for education through the G.I. Bill. This can significantly reduce or even eliminate the cost of tuition, depending on the length of service and other factors. This can make the college journey post-enlistment less stressful in terms of financial burden.

2. Job Security: Upon enlistment, you're ensured a stable job for the duration of your service. This can provide a sense of financial security and allows you to gain valuable work experience before attending college.

3. Skills and Experience: Spending time in the military can also provide you with a unique skill set and experiences that can set you apart from other college applicants. These could range from leadership skills to technical skills, depending on your role in the service.

4. Personal Growth: Many individuals find their service time to be an opportunity for significant personal growth. It can foster resilience, discipline, organization, and teamwork skills. These qualities can be beneficial in navigating college and future career paths.

5. Career Exploration: The military offers a diverse array of roles. These can serve as a platform for exploring potential career interests which you may want to further pursue in college.

6. College Admissions: Military service can be seen as a positive aspect on a college application. Institutions value the life experiences, maturity, and diverse perspectives that veterans bring to the college environment.

Remember, while these can be significant benefits, entering the military is also a major commitment and comes with its own set of challenges and obstacles. It's crucial to thoroughly research and contemplate this decision. If possible, speak with veterans or current service members to get more personalized insights.

5 months ago

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