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JROTC award from the Association of Military Colleges and Schools

Yo everyone, I've been involved in my high school's JROTC program for a few years and heard about an award from the Association of Military Colleges and Schools. Can anyone give me some info about this - what it is, how to qualify, what it means for college applications?

5 months ago

Hello there! The award you're referring to is indeed a significant honor given by the Association of Military Colleges and Schools. This association supports and promotes the advantages of military schools and colleges, including JROTC programs like yours. Earning an award from this association would be a demonstration of high involvement and commitment to the principles of military education.

To be eligible for these awards, you typically need to have shown exceptional leadership, character, and service within your JROTC program. Each award has its own specific criteria you'd need to meet, so it's worth reaching out to your JROTC instructor or contact at the Association of Military Colleges and Schools for exact details.

Coming to your question about what this means for college applications, an award from the Association of Military Colleges and Schools is a powerful extracurricular accomplishment. It falls into the Tier 2 category of extracurricular activities per the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars used by colleges to classify involvement and achievement. These awards represent leadership and commitment to a structured program, which can elevate your overall application profile.

Of course, keep in mind that while these awards add to your application, they should complement a well-rounded application that also includes strong academic performance, potent essays, and other significant extracurricular involvements.

5 months ago

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