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What college degrees would best serve someone in military infantry?

Hi all! So, I'm planning on joining the military infantry after high school. I'm thinking about pursuing higher education alongside this. Got me wondering, what college degrees might be most useful for this path? I'd love your thoughts on this, thanks!

7 months ago

Hello! Your choice of college degree can certainly support your career in the military infantry. As military operations encompass a wide range of fields, many degrees can be beneficial, it depends much on what areas you're particularly interested in.

One common choice is a degree in Criminal Justice or Criminology. Such a program could provide knowledge in law, justice system, psychology and human behavior, which could be of great value in a military career and beyond, especially if you're considering law enforcement or security work after your service.

Another option might be Kinesiology or Physical Therapy, if you're interested in physical conditioning, injury prevention, and post-injury rehab. These could be excellent skills to apply towards your military career and to your team's overall well-being.

Alternatively, International Relations or Political Science could be useful if your interests lie more in strategic or diplomatic areas, or if you're considering later roles in advising, command, or analysis.

Lastly, given the increasing technological aspect of military operations, Computer Science or Cybersecurity could be sought-after skills in the modern battlefield, if you're tech-inclined.

Again, much depends on your interests and your long-term career goals. Remember to balance the potential utility of the degree for your military career with your personal academic interests. Good luck on your journey!

7 months ago

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