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Getting College Admission as a Military Spouse?

Okay, so I'm a military spouse (my husband is serving right now) and I'm considering starting college. It's getting pretty daunting, but I'm determined. Can anyone shade light on how to get into college being a military wife? Any advice would help, thanks!

5 months ago

Pursuing college as a military spouse can certainly seem daunting, but rest assured, many institutions and organizations recognize the unique challenges you face and offer resources tailored to support you.

First and foremost, start by researching the colleges and majors you're interested in. Look at the admission requirements for each - do they require standardized test results or essays? Are there specific prerequisite courses you should have taken? Bear in mind that as a non-traditional student, your experience, maturity, and unique perspective can be seen as an asset by many colleges.

In addition, consider distance or online learning, particularly given the possibility of changes in your residence due to your spouse's military obligations. A number of accredited institutions provide flexibility for military spouses, and some also offer tuition discounts, grants, or scholarships specifically for military families.

Also, look into the military spouse education benefits offered by the Department of Defense. For instance, the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship (MyCAA) provides up to $4,000 to eligible military spouses for degree programs, licenses, or credentials leading to employment in portable career fields. This can help ease some financial stress related to pursuing higher education.

Lastly, use the resources available to you - there are counseling and support services through Military OneSource and the Military Spouses Career Development program that can assist you with planning your college journey. Also consider reaching out to the education office at your local installation, particularly if you plan to study locally.

Remember, every journey to college is unique and your path as a military spouse will be no different. Take it one step at a time, lean on your support networks, don't hesitate to seek out resources, and know that this ambitious pursuit is absolutely within your reach. Best of luck!

5 months ago

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