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Using Military Experience for College Credit

Hi everyone! So, I'm considering enlisting after high school. I've heard some talk about being able to transfer military experience into college credits. Can anyone explain how this works?

5 months ago

Yes, absolutely! Many institutions in the United States do indeed grant college credits for military training and experience, which can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes to earn a degree.

When you complete training in the military, you're often given a Joint Services Transcript (JST), which documents your military occupational experience and training history, recommended college credit, and other information which can be valuable when applying to colleges.

Colleges use this transcript to assess how your military training and experience aligns with their course requirements. For instance, if you served as a medic in the military, you might receive course credits for Anatomy or First Aid when pursuing a degree in a related field.

However, it's important to note that each college has its own policies regarding the awarding of credit for military training and experience. Some might provide a generous amount of credit, while others may only grant a few credits or none at all. So, it's definitely worth reaching out to the admissions offices of the colleges you're interested in to understand their specific policies.

In addition to the credits granted by colleges, the military also offers several education benefits, such as tuition assistance and the GI Bill, which can assist in covering tuition costs, housing, and books. Encouragingly, many colleges also partake in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can provide additional financial assistance to veterans.

Remember that college credit for military experience is a unique advantage that can shorten your time in college and reduce your overall costs, making it a wonderful opportunity to transition from military service to higher education.

5 months ago

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