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Which colleges excel in relations with the military—any recommendations?

I'm planning on serving in the military after high school and was wondering if there are specific colleges that have a strong standing with the military. I'd love if someone could suggest colleges that are known for their good relations or success rate with the military?

5 months ago

Certainly, there are several colleges with strong military affiliations or ROTC programs which are worth considering.

1. United States Military Academy (West Point): Known for producing military leaders, West Point provides a rigorous academic program alongside leadership training.

2. United States Naval Academy: Located in Annapolis, Maryland, this school offers a wide range of studies but is particularly noted for its programs in engineering and the sciences.

3. United States Air Force Academy: This Colorado-based academy is known for its engineering programs, and every student graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree.

4. The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina: Known for its Corps of Cadets undergraduate military program, it keeps strong connections with the military and has a high reputation for leadership development.

5. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: While not a military academy, Embry-Riddle has strong ROTC programs and a strong reputation in aeronautics and engineering.

6. Norwich University: As the birthplace of ROTC, Norwich has a strong tradition of military education and maintains strong connections with all branches of the military.

Remember, if you are considering any of these military-affiliated institutions or ROTC programs at traditional colleges, ensure that your academic, professional, and personal goals align with these paths. The military lifestyle isn't for everyone and such commitments should not be taken lightly.

5 months ago

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