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Top Education Major Colleges in Virginia?

Junior here. I've had a passion for teaching for as long as I can remember, and I'm looking to stay in Virginia for college. Which colleges here are best-known for their education programs?

5 months ago

There are several reputable colleges in Virginia with strong education programs. Here are a few you might consider:

1. University of Virginia (UVA): Located in Charlottesville, UVA's Curry School of Education and Human Development offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in education. They are particularly known for their programs in Educational Psychology and Reading Education.

2. Virginia Tech: Virginia Tech's School of Education also offers a wealth of programs, and is ranked highly for its graduate school of education.

3. William & Mary: They have a School of Education that includes both undergraduate and graduate programs, with a particular emphasis on research and practical experience.

4. George Mason University: Located in Fairfax, GMU’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) has programs in the fields of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Special Education at the undergraduate level.

5. James Madison University: JMU is well-regarded for their education programs through the College of Education, featuring student teaching experiences and endorsement programs.

Do remember to visit these schools (if possible) and speak with professors or students in the education department to understand if their program aligns well with your goals and interests. Also be mindful of admission requirements and deadlines for each school.

5 months ago

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