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Information about Georgia Military College's Book Voucher system

Yo, I'm about to start my first semester at Georgia Military College soon, and I'm totally confused about this book voucher stuff. Can anyone explain how it actually works? Would appreciate any info, thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Hey there! The Book Voucher system at Georgia Military College (GMC) is pretty beneficial. Here's a basic rundown:

If you're eligible for financial aid and have a surplus after your tuition and fees are paid, you receive a book voucher. This voucher is essentially credit that can be used at the GMC Online Bookstore to purchase your textbooks and other course materials for the semester.

Here's the process:

- After you have registered for courses and your financial aid awards have been applied to your tuition and fees, the excess amount would be calculated. If your financial aid is more than the total cost of your tuition and fees, then you qualify for a book voucher.

- The book voucher amount would be equal to the remaining financial aid balance, or the cost of your course materials, based on what is lower. For example, if your remaining financial aid balance is $500 and the cost of your course materials is $400, then the book voucher amount would be $400.

- The book voucher is then issued and can be used exclusively at the GMC Online Bookstore (where your course materials list will be provided) to purchase your textbooks and supplies for the semester.

Just keep in mind that you should use your book voucher prudently! Any leftover amount from the voucher will be returned to your financial aid balance and it will be refunded to you later. Also, make sure to check the dates for when the book voucher is available each semester.

I hope that helps clarify things! Just remember, the financial aid office at GMC is always available and willing to help answer these types of questions. Feel free to reach out to them directly for any specific concerns.

5 months ago

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