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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Barton College's Military Programs?

Hi. I've heard that Barton College has some sort of connection with the military? Has anyone got some info on this, like do they offer special opportunities or programs for aspiring military personnel?

5 months ago

Yes, Barton College does have strong connections with the military. As part of their commitment to serving those who serve their country, they offer the ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) program in partnership with other colleges in their region.

The ROTC program is a college program that prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. Military. In exchange for a paid college education and a guaranteed post-college career, students commit to serve in the Military after graduation.

They offer both the Air Force ROTC and the Army ROTC programs. For the Air Force ROTC, the partnership is with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. For Army ROTC, the partnership is with East Carolina University.

These programs allow you to attend leadership courses and undergo military training while studying at Barton. Then, upon graduation, you'll commission into the respective branch of the military as a second lieutenant.

Furthermore, Barton College has a Veterans Services office that provides a variety of resources and support for veterans, military personnel, and their families. This includes assistance with admissions, financial aid, and academic counseling. Moreover, they participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can help to offset any out-of-pocket tuition and fees that are not covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

So, if you're considering a military career, Barton College could indeed be an excellent choice with its robust military programs and support systems.

5 months ago

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