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Which colleges typically expect applicants to go through an interview process?

Hey, could use a little help here! I'm making my college list and I'm wondering which schools tend to require interviews. Is this a thing at every college or are there specific types of schools where an interview is part of the admissions process?

a year ago

Hello! Great question – I'm glad you're planning ahead! The interview process varies from college to college. Many Ivy League schools and other highly selective institutions often have an interview component, but it's typically optional due to the high volume of applicants. Interviews may be conducted by alumni or admissions staff and can either be informational, evaluative, or both.

Liberal arts colleges also occasionally require interviews, while large public universities usually do not due to the sheer number of applications they receive. For example, schools like MIT and Caltech highly recommend interviews. However, it’s not just about selectiveness; some smaller or less selective private colleges might require interviews as a way to better know their candidates.

Always check the admissions page of each college on your list for the most accurate information. Preparing for a potential interview is a smart move as it’s an opportunity for the school to get to know you beyond your application, and vice versa. Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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