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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do students usually prepare for taking a CLEP exam?

For those of you who've taken a CLEP exam, what was your study routine like? Did you use specific books, online courses, or just winged it with what you learned in high school? Trying to find the best strategy here.

a year ago

Preparing for a CLEP exam requires understanding the material well, regardless of the subject. A common approach is to first take a practice test to gauge your current knowledge and identify areas for improvement. From there, you can use study guides specifically designed for CLEP exams, which are available for purchase or sometimes found in libraries.

Online resources, including the College Board's own materials, can be very helpful as they provide both study tools and practice questions. Reviewing the material learned in high school is certainly beneficial, especially if the course was recent and comprehensive. Creating a study schedule leading up to the exam is also a strategy that has helped many students remain disciplined and cover all necessary content. While 'winging it' is not advised, if you have a strong background in the subject, you might need less preparation time. Tailor your study plan to your personal learning style and the subject matter to maximize your chances of scoring well.

a year ago

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