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Seeking recommendations - best colleges for a psychology major?

Hey there! I'm a current junior and I've fallen in love with psychology, probably going to major in it. I'm kinda lost on which colleges have strong psychology programs. Can y’all help me out with some suggestions?

3 months ago

Hello! It's awesome that you've found something you're passionate about. There's a wide array of schools across the U.S. known for their strong psychology programs.

Stanford University is frequently ranked as one of the best for psychology, largely due to its diverse course offerings and access to research opportunities. The University of California -- Berkeley is another strong option renowned for its research capabilities in various fields of psychology including cognitive, personality, clinical, and social psychology.

If you're looking on the east coast, both Yale University and Harvard University have excellent psychology departments. Harvard's department provides an immersive approach to the subject, with labs and research opportunities mainly focusing on cognition, brain, and behavior. Also, Yale's department is known for an interdisciplinary approach, making it unique.

Additionally, the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor should be on your radar if you're interested in a public school with a stellar psychology program. Well known for rigorous coursework and extensive research opportunities, it offers smaller class sizes for upper-level courses which is a big plus.

One thing I'll add is while these are all top-tier schools, it's important to consider other factors like size, location, and overall environment to find the best fit for you. You should also remember that a school doesn't have to be top-ranked in psychology for you to have a great experience and education in the subject! Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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