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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Brooklyn College have programs for military students?

So, I'm considering joining the military after high school but also want to pursue a degree. I heard about Brooklyn College and was wondering if they have specific programs or supports for military students? Can somebody fill me in about their offerings there?

3 months ago

Absolutely, Brooklyn College has made a commendable effort to support military students, including veterans and active-duty personnel. They have a designated Veterans and Military Affairs office that provides services geared toward helping military students transition into college life and succeed academically. Some of these services include VA certification, assistance with federal recovery programs for veterans, and aid with deferred tuition payments.

Furthermore, the college is part of the Veteran's Upward Bound program, a free, non-credit, pre-college program funded by the U.S. Department of Education designed to help eligible veterans enter or reenter post-secondary education programs.

Apart from that, Brooklyn College takes part in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can provide further financial assistance to GI Bill beneficiaries.

Lastly, Brooklyn College has a number of student clubs and organizations that may appeal to military students, including a Veterans Students Organization.

Just remember, while these offerings can offer substantial support, the college journey will still require dedication and hard work. It's wonderful that you're considering serving your country and pursuing a degree simultaneously. Best of luck with your endeavors!

3 months ago

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