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Business Schools in the Golden State

Hey guys, does anyone know what the best colleges for business majors in California are? I've heard good things about a few, but I could use some firsthand experience. Thanks!

5 months ago

California is indeed a hotspot for top-notch business programs. Arguably, the most well-regarded ones would be the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. Both are renowned for strong faculty, integrated curriculum, and strong networks in the California business scene.

Stanford Graduate School of Business is also considered to be one of the best in the world, though it only offers graduate-level business programs. If you're interested in entrepreneurship or tech-related business, Stanford's school is deeply connected to the Silicon Valley ecosystem.

USC's Marshall School of Business is another popular choice, especially due to its location in Los Angeles that enables students to tap into a vast network in a booming business city. Its International Business Education and Research (IBEAR) MBA program is particularly renowned.

Finally, San Diego State University's Fowler College of Business is known for its strong entrepreneurship program, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's Orfalea College of Business is respected particularly for its unique Learn by Doing approach to business education.

Keep in mind that while these programs excel in their own ways, the best program for you will depend on your specific interests within business, your career goals, and the academic environment where you'll feel most at home.

5 months ago

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