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Experience with Military Recruiting at Augustana College?

Hello everyone, I'm strongly considering Augustana College for my undergrad studies. But I'm also interested in a possible military career after college. Does anyone know if military recruiters often visit the campus or if there are military-related programs within the college?

5 months ago

Augustana College has an ROTC program in partnership with Western Illinois University, which allows students to take military science classes and participate in physical and leadership training. Upon graduation, joining ROTC can lead to becoming an officer in the Army. Being part of the ROTC could give you exposure to the military life and help you make a more informed decision on whether to pursue a military career.

As for recruiters, while I don't have specific details about their schedule at Augustana, military recruiters generally maintain a presence at most colleges, especially those with ROTC programs. They typically visit campus to attend career fairs and meet potential candidates.

Finally, I would suggest reaching out to Augustana's career center. They can probably provide more detailed information about when and how often military recruiters visit the campus, or point you to additional resources related to military careers.

Be sure to also speak with the ROTC department, as they will have a wealth of information about their program and how it can lead to a military career. They may be able to connect you with current or former students who pursued the same path, so you can hear firsthand about their experiences.

It's great that you're looking at all your options and planning your career path. Best of luck with everything!

5 months ago

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