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Coastal Carolina Community College and Military Affiliation

I'm a junior currently scoping out potential colleges, and I came across Coastal Carolina Community College. I know they have some sort of connection with the military, but I'm not too clear on the specifics. Any insight?

5 months ago

Coastal Carolina Community College, located in Jacksonville, North Carolina, is situated in close proximity to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River, two of the largest Marine installations in the U.S. Due to its location, the college has developed strong ties to the military community, and it offers many programs and services catering to military personnel, veterans, and their families.

Coastal Carolina Community College offers military-affiliated students a variety of resources such as academic advising, transfer services, career services, disability services, and access to veteran affairs services. There is also a Veterans Affairs Office on campus that works to assist veterans, service members, and their families with the financial aid process, specifically related to the use of G.I. Bill benefits.

The college offers flexible scheduling options, including fully online degrees, that cater to the unique needs and often unpredictable schedules of active duty personnel. They also employ advisors that understand the ins and outs of the transfer credits process—particularly important to military personnel who frequently move and attend multiple institutions during their pursuit of a degree.

On an academic level, a number of degree, diploma, and certificate programs are offered across disciplines, some of which are directly tied to military training or skills acquired during military service. They are great opportunities for students associated with the armed forces to delve deeper into military history and traditions.

All these factors make Coastal Carolina Community College an excellent choice for individuals in the military, veterans, and dependents looking for an education that accommodates their unique situation.

5 months ago

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