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Discussing College With Military Recruiters?

Hey folks, I have now decided to discuss my interest in going to college with a military recruiter. Has anyone else done this before? Is this something they will be knowledgeable about or even supportive of?

5 months ago

Military recruiters are definitely equipped to discuss educational opportunities as part of military service. They are trained to provide thorough information regarding educational benefits and available programs like the Post-9/11 GI Bill, Tuition Assistance Program, and the ROTC program, among others.

However, remember that a military recruiter's main goal is to enlist individuals into service, so while they can provide valuable input on how military service could fund or enhance your education, their perspective will primarily be based on the benefits of military service.

Before your conversations, do some research on your own about the various educational benefits associated with military service. Having a list of specific questions to ask will be helpful and also allow you to gauge the accuracy and thoroughness of the recruiter's answers, which will in turn help you understand the potential pros and cons of your decision.

Finally, consider seeking advice from other sources as well, possibly individuals who have used military benefits for education, or college advisors who have worked with veteran students. They can provide differing viewpoints to help you understand the implications better.

Overall, conversation with a military recruiter can be part of a wide range of sound sources you should use to explore your options.

5 months ago

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