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Athlete Looking into College Majors, Suggestions?

Hey guys, I'm a high school athlete who's also pretty focused on academic success. Do you have any ideas on what might be some of the best college majors for student-athletes? Looking forward to your thoughts.

5 months ago

In determining a suitable major, there are a variety of factors to consider as a student-athlete. First, consider your interests and the areas where you excel academically. You could choose a major related to an industry where you wish to work in the future.

Likewise, you may also want to consider the workload of the major. For instance, some majors may entail longer hours in a laboratory or more intensive study periods, which could conflict with your training and competition schedules.

Having said that, a lot of student-athletes often pursue majors in fields like Exercise Science, Sports Management, Business, or Communication. These fields offer a balance of appealing course content and practicality, along with providing beneficial skills for a range of careers. For example:

- Exercise Science could lead you into careers in physical therapy, athletic training, or personal training. This could also be helpful if you want to stay in the sports world after college.

- Sports Management would allow you to explore roles in coaching, administration, or sports marketing.

- Business is a very versatile choice that can apply to numerous industries. Skills learned can be used in almost any job market, including sports-related fields.

- Communication can be a great choice if you're interested in broadening your soft skills and potentially exploring careers in media, broadcasting, public relations, or marketing.

Remember, there isn't one "right" major for student-athletes. It all depends on your career goals, personal interests, and the degree of flexibility you desire in balancing your athletics with your academic responsibilities. Always keep the conversation open with both your athletic coach and academic advisor to ensure you're making a choice that suits your individual circumstances and aspirations best.

5 months ago

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