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Which are the best colleges for history majors worldwide?

Hey everyone! I’m a junior and super invested in history - probably going to major in it. I don't just want to limit myself to American universities though. Do you guys know of any top colleges around the world that has a great history program?

5 months ago

Sure, I'm happy to provide some suggestions.

In the United States, Harvard University and Yale University are often recognized for their strong history programs. They both offer a broad range of courses that cover histories from all over the globe, and they have faculty who are leading experts in their fields. Stanford University's history department is typically ranked highly as well.

In the United Kingdom, the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge are highly regarded for their history programs. They have a strong focus on primary research and intensive tutorials. The London School of Economics also has a particularly strong program in international history.

If you're considering Australia, the University of Sydney and Australian National University both have reputable history programs. The University of Sydney, in particular, offers a broad range of area and thematic studies, including Asian, American, and Pacific history, along with thematic focuses like environmental history and the history of religion.

For Canada, consider looking into the University of Toronto or the University of British Columbia. Both institutions offer a robust selection of history courses and are widely recognized for their strong humanities programs.

Lastly, in Europe, other top institutions for history include the Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany, known for Modern European History, and Sciences Po in France, noted for political and world history studies.

Choosing a university should also account for your specific area of interest within history. Whether you're interested in world history, a specific region, or a particular period or event can help shape your decision. Additionally, consider the research opportunities, faculty expertise, and the institution's resources such as libraries and archives. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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