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Understanding Army War College’s approach to Military Professionalism

Here’s something I've been pondering: the Army War College's stance on military professionalism. I want to know how they define, teach, and implement it. Surely some of you guys have insights on this? Much appreciated

5 months ago

The Army War College, based in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, is renowned for its emphasis on leadership and strategic thinking. One of the primary components of their curriculum is the concept of military professionalism, which they approach from a multi-faceted perspective.

At its core, military professionalism as taught at the Army War College is based on the notion of the "Profession of Arms." This term encompasses the body of knowledge, attributes, and skills that are used to serve in the defense of the nation.

To impart the ideals of military professionalism, the War College uses a blend of educational tools, including formal classes, interactive discussions, and practical exercises. These are geared towards teaching students about professional military ethics, standards of conduct, and the importance of public trust.

In classroom discussions, this topic is often explored through a historical and philosophical lens, examining changes over time and cultural differences. For example, there may be case studies focusing on the codes of conduct in different military contexts, helping to highlight the universal and enduring aspects of military professionalism.

The commitment to professionalism is expected to be reflected in every soldier's conduct and decision-making process. To that end, the Army War College promotes a culture of self-assessment, reflection, and continuous learning amongst its students. They emphasize that military professionalism involves a commitment to the Army's core values and to the higher purpose of serving the nation.

Last but not least, the War College continually underscores the importance of leadership in fostering a culture of professionalism within a military unit. It holds sessions on leadership strategies, stressing the role of leaders in setting the direction, creating a positive environment, and building a team that is competent, resilient, and ethically strong.

Overall, the Army War College's approach to military professionalism is comprehensive, encouraging both a deep understanding of the theoretical principles and a commitment to their practical application in the field.

5 months ago

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