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Are there college application fee waivers for people linked to the military?

Hey everyone! Both of my parents are in the military and I was wondering if colleges provide application fee waivers for students like me. I’m from California and would love to know if there's any specific process to apply for such waivers. Any information would be helpful.

5 months ago

Indeed, there are several ways that students connected to the military can receive college application fee waivers.

If you are applying to colleges through the Common Application, there's an option in the "Profile" section where you can indicate your eligibility for a fee waiver. One of the criteria listed for qualifying for a waiver is being "eligible for or receiving federal free or reduced-price lunch, and/or—significantly for your case— a member of a family receiving public assistance." If your family receives certain military benefits, you might qualify under this option.

Separately, service academies such as West Point, the Naval Academy, and the Air Force Academy do not charge application fees, so those could be options to consider as well.

It's also worth noting that some states have programs to waive application fees for veterans and active-duty military personnel. Given that you mentioned you are from California, it's a good idea to check if such a program applies to the University of California or California State University system; however, as of my last knowledge update, I do not have specific information on this.

Additionally, some colleges and universities have policies to waive application fees for military dependents, but this varies by institution. I recommend reaching out directly to the admissions offices at the schools where you're interested in applying to inquire about their policies.

Lastly, keep in mind that even if a school doesn't automatically offer fee waivers to military families, many colleges will provide a waiver if you ask. It's always worth reaching out to the admissions office to explain your situation. Best of luck with your applications!

5 months ago

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