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Where to Apply - Athletic Training Major

Hey, I'm a high schooler looking to get into Athletic Training as my major in college. Which colleges offer a strong program in this field? Any help would be much appreciated!

5 months ago

There are several colleges across the U.S. that offer strong programs for Athletic Training, each with its own benefits, so I'll mention a few you might consider, alphabetically:

1. Boston University (BU): Known for having a well-respected Athletic Training program with a focus on experiential learning and research opportunities.

2. University of Florida (UF): UF offers an Athletic Training program that has a curriculum combining both theory and hands-on fieldwork.

3. Michigan State University (MSU): MSU's Athletic Training program follows an integrated clinical education program and provides opportunities in various clinical settings including MSU Athletics, local high schools, and rehabilitation clinics.

4. University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin): The program integrates academic coursework with diverse patient-care experiences, including time with UT sports teams.

5. University of Michigan (UMich): This program is notable for the large athletic department that provides hands-on experience in athletic training.

6. Indiana University (IU): Offers a Master's in Athletic Training with a rich history of accomplishment in the field.

Keep in mind that these schools represent a range of selectivity, location, and campus culture, so you'll want to ensure a good fit beyond just strong athletic training programs. Additionally, remember to consider post-graduation placements and opportunities, as the reputation of a college's program often affects job prospects after graduation. You need to find the institution that not only has a commendable program, but that also suits your personal preferences and needs.

Lastly, regardless of where you choose to go, look for programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE), which ensures that the program meets minimum standards for quality and content.

5 months ago

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