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European History Major—Which Colleges?

Got bitten by the history bug! More specifically, I love European history and want to major in it. Can anyone recommend some colleges with strong European History departments?

5 months ago

Sure, that's an excellent field to major in! Here's a list of distinguished schools known for their European History programs:

1. Harvard University - Their history department has a comprehensive range of courses on European history, covering everything from medieval to modern times.

2. University of California, Berkeley - They offer an extensive number of European history classes. Worth noting is the distinct emphasis on Central and Eastern European studies.

3. Yale University - Renowned for its strong program in European studies, Yale offers a flexible curriculum so students can focus on the periods or regions that interest them the most.

4. Columbia University - Columbia's history department is known for its strength in various periods of European history, with a plethora of courses available. As a plus, New York City's museums and libraries could serve as incredible resources.

5. Stanford University - The faculty in history at Stanford has numerous professors specializing in different areas and periods of European history.

6. University of Chicago - Known for its rigorous academic environment, Chicago offers a number of specialized tracks for history majors, including Ancient and Medieval Studies.

However, I'd also urge you to consider factors beyond just the academic offerings. Look into class sizes, student-faculty ratio, facilities, resources such as libraries or research opportunities, internship or job placement rates, and not the least, the overall campus culture and environment. It's equally important that you feel comfortable and supported in the university environment.

5 months ago

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