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College recommendations for maximizing military credits?

Hello! I'm planning to serve in the military after high school, but I'd also like to continue with higher education. I've heard some colleges are more generous than others when it comes to accepting military credits. Can anyone recommend such colleges? Thanks!

5 months ago

Absolutely, and I commend your intention to continue pursuing higher education while serving in the military.

One school that is well-known for being military-friendly is American Military University (AMU). They offer flexible online programs specifically designed for military personnel and accept a good number of transfer credits from military training. Plus, they provide textbooks at no cost, which can be a significant financial relief.

Another great choice is Thomas Edison State University. They're reputed for their generous transfer policies and many of their students are adults returning to school, making them more accommodating for non-traditional learners.

Excelsior College also deserves a mention. They offer flexible learning models and are generous with transfer credits from military training, previous college courses, and even work experience in some cases.

Another option could be the schools that offer programs under the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) agreement. This agreement aids colleges in recognizing the educational experience service members gain during their service.

Always make sure to speak directly with the admissions departments of these schools to see the specifics of what they'll accept and detail your experiences so they can accurately assess what you've learned and how it could translate into academic credit.

Remember, choosing the right program is not only about maximizing your credits but also about finding an institution that aligns with your educational and career goals, offers flexible scheduling, and supports your unique needs as a military student.

5 months ago

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