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Art-Degree Pathways for Military Personnel

Hey all, I'm enlisting very soon but want to continue my education once in the military, especially in the arts. Are there specific art colleges that have programs specifically designed for people in the military? Do they offer online or flexible education options that would fit into a military schedule?

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are several college programs out there that are specifically designed for military personnel that offer art degrees. Many of these institutions understand the unique challenges and demands faced by those in military service, and thus often provide online or flexible education options to accommodate your schedule.

For instance, Academy of Art University offers online and distance learning art programs, featuring flexible class scheduling to accommodate servicemember’s commitments. Regardless of your location, such online courses can allow you to advance your arts education. Degrees offered encompass a wide range of disciplines including Animation, Art Teaching, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, and Illustration, to name just a few.

The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is another institution that provides flexible online art classes for service members. You can earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in diverse art specialties at your own pace.

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) also provides online Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Fine Arts and Graphic Design. As a military-friendly school, it also offers significant reductions in tuition costs for military students.

These programs often offer a rich interactive learning experience, providing opportunities for students to interact with faculty and classmates, while also submitting and receiving feedback on assignments digitally. While studying online, don't forget to take full advantage of all available resources to you--that may include virtual office hours with profeors, tutoring, or career support services.

Remember, the education you receive in the arts can complement the discipline, leadership, and work ethic you've developed in the military. As you work on your studies in art and design, keep in mind to integrate the unique perspectives you bring as a military servicemember into your artistic and creative work. Many institutions and instructors will value this unique perspective, and it often breathes a distinctive life into art projects that can be recognized and appreciated.

5 months ago

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