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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Military Veterans and College Admissions

Hey all, I'm a military veteran planning to apply to college. I was wondering, are there certain aspects of my application that I should highlight more than others? Do my military experiences carry any weight in this process?

5 months ago

Hello! Thanks for your service and for your question. Your military service can absolutely be highlighted in your college application process. It represents a significant commitment and a wealth of unique experiences that can make you stand out in the applicant pool.

For one, the leadership and teamwork skills that you've likely developed during your time in the military can be extremely appealing to colleges. Particularly in your essays, where you have space to reflect, you could discuss specific situations where you exhibited these skills and how they have prepared you for a future academic and career success.

Your military experience also showcases discipline, perseverance, and responsibility, characteristics that are highly valued in any academically rigorous environment. Feel free to draw on these lessons in your application where appropriate.

Additionally, you may want to look into resources specifically for veterans applying to college. Many universities have Veteran's Services Offices or similar organizations dedicated to helping veterans succeed in higher education. It might be a good idea to reach out to those offices with any specific questions you have.

Lastly, remember to explain any gaps in your education and any non-traditional aspects of your applicant profile - again, colleges understand that veterans will have different experiences and timelines than traditional students.

Your military experience can indeed be a powerful part of your application. Best of luck with your applications!

5 months ago

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