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College resources for military spouses?

Hey everyone, I'm a rising junior in high school and my partner is planning to join the military after graduation. I intend to attend college. I've heard there's some kind of aid or resources available for military spouses in college. Anyone have any pointers? What kind of assistance can I expect and where do I start looking for it?

3 months ago

Military families do indeed have access to a number of assistance programs and resources to help finance college education. Here's a brief rundown of a few worth looking into:

1. Post-9/11 GI Bill - This program can help cover up to full tuition and fees at public in-state schools and up to $28,937 per academic year for private or foreign schools. Some service members can even transfer the benefits to their dependents.

2. MyCAA Scholarship - The My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of tuition assistance to eligible military spouses.

3. Scholarships - There are also numerous scholarships exclusive to military spouses and dependents. For example, The National Military Family Association awards scholarships to military spouses to obtain professional licensing or certification.

4. Yellow Ribbon Program - This is a provision of the Post-9/11 GI Bill that allows veterans to attend pricey private colleges and universities at little or no cost. The program allows colleges and universities to enter into an agreement with VA for the purpose of funding tuition expenses exceeding the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate.

5. Tuition discounts: Some colleges give reduced tuition rates for veterans, active duty military, and their families.

In terms of where to start, FAFSA is always the first step for any kind of need-based financial assistance. Also, reach out to the financial aid offices of the colleges you're considering. They often have experts dedicated to military benefits who can further guide you.

Lastly, consider talking with a representative from Military OneSource, a Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life. They provide free resources, counseling, and many other services to active duty, Guard, and Reserve service members and their families.

3 months ago

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