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Are there military colleges that work with CSPI?

Hey guys, does anyone know if any military colleges work with the Coast Guard's College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative (CSPI)? It seems like a great program, but I'm not sure which colleges would support it. Thanks!

3 months ago

The great thing about the CSPI program is that it can be associated with any accredited college or university that's a Minority Serving Institution (MSI), such as a Historically Black College or University (HBCU), Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), Tribal College or University (TCU), etc. The program is not tied to any specific military colleges or service academies.

So when choosing a college to participate in CSPI, it's not about choosing a "military college," per se, but about finding an accredited university that is an MSI. Once you're accepted into the initiative while having sophomore or junior status, the Coast Guard will provide up to two years of tuition, textbooks and related academic fees, along with a full-time salary, housing allowance, and health insurance. It's worth noting that participation in the CSPI program also leads to a guaranteed commission in the U.S. Coast Guard as an officer upon graduation.

Therefore, when evaluating potential colleges or universities, you might want to focus on finding an MSI that offers strong programs in fields related to Coast Guard work, such as marine science, engineering, criminal justice, homeland security, environmental studies, etc., to align with your career goals. Research the colleges' supports for military students and their associated institutions, career support in your chosen field, and opportunities for leadership and extra-curricular activities as well.

Once you've found potential colleges, you can contact their offices of military and veteran affairs (or the equivalent) to inquire specifically about CSPI support. It's the best way to gauge how familiar they are with the program and how supportive they would be of your participation.

3 months ago

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