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Average salary for a college military advisor in Connecticut?

Hey there, I’m considering a career as a college military advisor and I live in Connecticut. Does anyone have info on what the average salary might be for this position in CT? Thanks, guys!

3 months ago

While salary can vary depending on a variety of factors such as education, experience, and specific employer, the average salary for College Military Advisors in Connecticut is estimated to be around $50,000 to $60,000 annually. This is higher than the national average due to the higher cost of living in Connecticut.

Please remember that this is a ballpark figure and could fluctuate based on the institution you end up working at. State schools, for instance, tend to pay less than private colleges. Additionally, the extent of your responsibilities and the number of years of experience you bring to the position could also affect your salary.

Lastly, many universities and colleges offer exceptional benefits packages that include retirement plans, health insurance, and tuition remission, which can considerably increase the total compensation. Always ensure that you consider the total compensation package when evaluating job offers.

3 months ago

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