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TESU Credits and Military Experience

Hello there! I'm considering maybe going into the military after high school, but I'm also interested in college. I heard about TESU (Thomas Edison State University) and how they recognize military training as college credit. Is this accurate? I’d appreciate specifics on how that works!

3 months ago

Hi! Yes, you're correct. Thomas Edison State University (TESU) is one of the most military-friendly institutions in the country and values the educational experiences that military training provides.

There's a process called PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) that TESU employs to assess nontraditional learning experiences, like military training. They evaluate these training programs and translate them into college credits based on guidelines provided by the American Council on Education (ACE).

Another mechanism of credit recognition is that TESU also accepts transfer credits from CLEP (College Level Examination Program) and DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) examinations, often used by military personnel to earn college credits.

Moreover, TESU participates in the DoD's (Department of Defense) Military Tuition Assistance program and offers services for Veterans, meaning that there may be financial aid options available to cover your education expenses.

To get the most out of your military training and experiences, your first step will usually be to request your military transcripts. These will help TESU determine which of your training can be converted into college credits.

However, it's advised that you speak directly with the admissions office or a counselor who specializes in military credits at TESU. They'll understand your specific circumstances and provide the most accurate and detailed advice to guide you through the process.

3 months ago

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