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Pursuing a college degree after military service

Hey, I've just enlisted in the military but have not given up on going to college after my service ends. How feasible is this? Any advice or personal experiences would be really appreciated!

3 months ago

Transitioning to college after your time in the military can certainly be a feasible and rewarding option. It will not only provide a structured environment, which might feel familiar after military life, but also a chance to acquire new skills and knowledge, which could open up further career opportunities. Here are some key points you should consider about this process:

1. Making Use of Benefits: The GI Bill is an incredibly valuable resource for veterans looking to attend college. This bill can potentially cover full tuition and fees at public universities, a significant portion at private universities, and comes with a housing stipend. Make sure you understand the intricacies of this benefit to use it optimally.

2. Finding the Right College: Some colleges are more veteran-friendly than others, offering resources such as dedicated counselors, tutoring, student veteran organizations, and more. When deciding on a college, keep an eye out for those that cater to veteran needs. Websites like College Navigator can help you find schools with veteran resources.

3. College Credit for Military Training: Your military training might be equivalent to certain college credits. The American Council on Education collaborates with the Department of Defense to assess and recommend compatible coursework.

4. Academic Preparation: It might be worthwhile to consider a bridge program or community college to ease yourself back into the education system, particularly if you've been away from academia for a while.

5. Balancing Life and Study: Transitioning from military service to student life can be challenging. It can be useful to connect with other veteran students for support and advice on managing this new chapter of your life.

Remember to take advantage of the resources available to you as a veteran, and more importantly, take pride in the unique life experiences you bring onto campus. These experiences can contribute to rich conversations and learning opportunities for both yourself and your classmates.

3 months ago

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