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Choosing the Best College for Forensic Science Major

Yo! So, I'm a junior, dead set on becoming a forensic scientist. I'm starting to get my college application list sorted. Could use a hand on finding which colleges really shine for forensic science majors. Thanks a bunch!

3 months ago

Hey there! Your future career sounds extremely fascinating. Forensic science isn't found at every college, and it can definitely feel overwhelming to decide which colleges provide the best education in this field.

A few educational institutions that offer exceptional forensic science programs include Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), George Washington University (GWU), and University of Central Florida (UCF).

Penn State's Eberly College of Science offers a well-recognized bachelor's degree in Forensic Science. The program is versatile, offering options to emphasize biology, chemistry, or even anthropology, which could align with specific interests you may have within this field.

Similarly, GWU offers a Bachelor of Forensic Sciences degree that heavily focuses on natural sciences, mathematics, and even law. Given its location in Washington D.C., there could also be opportunities for internships and exposure to real-world casework.

As for UCF, it houses a National Center for Forensic Science and provides a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science degree, which prepares students well for the lab environment of forensic labs and for graduate-level coursework.

Remember to consider not just the forensic science program, but also the overall campus vibe, location, affordability, and potential scholarship opportunities. You'll spend quite a bit of your time in school, so it's important both the program and the school itself are a good fit for you. Best of luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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