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Transfer of AHSS degree to military studies?

Hi folks, I'm currently considering college majors and I'm intrigued by both Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) and military studies. If I were to acquire an AHSS degree, could I transfer some of my credits if I wished to switch to military studies later on? Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this?

5 months ago

Transferring credits between majors can sometimes be a tricky process as it heavily depends on the specific institution's transfer policies and the compatibility of the courses between your current and intended majors. Generally, foundational or general education credits are usually transferable between majors. However, specific major-related courses might not always transfer, especially when the coursework is less related to the new major.

In your situation, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) and Military Studies are distinct fields, and the overlap might be minimal on a subject level. However, some AHSS courses, like history or political science, could potentially overlap with certain aspects of Military Studies, such as military history or strategy. That said, each institution's Military Studies program may focus on different aspects, so it's crucial to review the course lists and requirements for both majors at your specific institution.

To get a clearer answer, I would recommend reaching out to academic advisors at your college. They will have a better understanding of your college's specific rules regarding credit transfers and can guide you through the process and impact on your academic timeline. Additionally, they might help you find pathways to incorporate your interest in both fields, perhaps through minors, double majors, or tailored course selection. Remember, any changes in your education plan can have implications on your graduation timeline and financial aid, so it's essential to discuss these factors thoroughly with your advisor.

5 months ago

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