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Architecture Major - Looking for College Suggestions

I'm a high school junior, currently obsessing over architecture (I just love designing spaces). I want to study it in college but I'm not really sure where to start my search. Can anyone recommend good colleges for Architecture majors?

5 months ago

Certainly! When it comes to architecture, it's not just about finding a program, it's about finding a program that aligns with your own educational goals and style of learning. Consider schools that offer varying course structures and different areas of focus (urban planning, landscape architecture, sustainable design, etc.) to ensure a holistic learning experience.

Here are a few options to start with:

1. Cornell University - Cornell's College of Architecture, Art, and Planning has a long-standing reputation for its architecture program, offering both Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) and Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Urban and Regional Studies.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Its Department of Architecture offers undergraduate programs leading to a Bachelor of Science in Art and Design and in Building Technology.

3. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo - Its five-year professional degree program allows you to earn your Bachelor of Architecture and provides a sound foundation in architecture with hands-on learning experiences.

4. Rice University - The School of Architecture offers undergraduate students a Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) professional degree.

5. University of Texas at Austin - The School of Architecture there offers undergraduate degrees in Architectural Engineering, Interior Design as well as Community and Regional Planning.

Remember, the best college for you will depend on various factors, including class size, location, internship opportunities, the professors, and studio culture. As you continue with your research, don't hesitate to reach out to admissions offices or college advisers for more information!

5 months ago

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