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Could someone help decipher the whole Citadel application process?

Stressed-out junior here, trying to gauge military colleges and the Citadel appeared on my radar. What's the admissions process like? I mean, what do they value the most in an applicant, and does it differ vastly from a standard college application process? Are there any specific requirements or steps that I need to be aware of when applying to the Citadel? Also, what's the application deadline for the Citadel? Sorry for the flurry of questions, but I'm kind of anxious to get this whole college application thing right!

5 months ago

Hi! Let's break down the Citadel application and hopefully alleviate some of your stress. Similar to many colleges, the Citadel takes a holistic approach in reviewing an applicant's profile, using the application as a tool to gain insight into your interests, involvement, and character.

To apply for admission, you'll need to submit an online application, a non-refundable application fee, official high school transcripts, and standardized test scores. While the Citadel is test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, submitting an ACT or SAT score can enhance your application, especially if your score is strong. Letter(s) of recommendation are not required but can definitely provide more depth to your application.

Beyond that, writing a compelling personal essay is crucial since it allows the admissions committee to understand your motivations and aspirations better. Remember, the Citadel is a military college, so they'll be interested in students who are not just academically capable, but also show resilience, discipline, and leadership qualities. It would be a good idea to highlight these aspects in your essay and/or extracurricular activities.

Outside of academic rigor, the Citadel also takes physical fitness seriously. While there is no physical exam or test as part of the application process, once admitted, you'll be required to pass the Citadel Physical Fitness Test during the Fourth-Class System (formerly called Freshman Training Year). This consists of pull-ups, a two-mile run, and sit-ups. Hence, starting a fitness routine in preparation wouldn't be a bad idea.

In terms of deadlines, the Citadel operates on a rolling admission, meaning applications are accepted throughout the year until the class is full. However, applying earlier increases your chances of acceptance as they review and make decisions as applications come in. A safe guideline would be to aim to complete your application by mid-November, given that financial aid and scholarship consideration come into play.

Remember, this is merely a high-level overview, and you'd benefit from going to the Citadel's website or getting in touch with the Admissions Office for more precise, personalized information. Hang in there! The college application process might be overwhelming, but taking it one step at a time can certainly make it manageable.

5 months ago

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