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What's the safety situation like at the Citadel's campus?

Mulling over a few military college options here and the Citadel seems pretty fitting in terms of the curriculum and the career trajectories it prepares you for. However, I'm still a bit uneasy about the campus safety aspects. Does the Citadel have a reputation for strong on-campus safety measures and low crime rates, given its military affiliation? I'm simply trying to ensure that wherever I end up has a secure and conducive learning environment.

5 months ago

The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, has a relatively secure campus primarily due to its unique structure and ethos as a military college. The college highly values discipline, which is infused in virtually every structure, including safety considerations.

Like many military colleges, it maintains stringent routines, rules, and regulations that significantly contribute to campus safety. Some of these measures include a fortified campus, roving campus patrols, as well as regular safety drills and inspections.

Moreover, cadets are often together most of the time as they live and study in the same spaces, and have a duty to look out for their brother and sister cadets under a culture known as the 'Long Gray Line'. They are very well aware of what goes on within the confines of their campus and are generally quick to report any form of misconduct, contributing to the overall safety and wellbeing of the campus.

That said, it's always important to remember that no campus is completely immune to safety issues, but The Citadel places a significant emphasis on safety. It's recommended that prospective students visit the campus and ask the college directly about specific public safety measures because this can give a more accurate picture of the safety situation on campus. You should also look at the Clery Report provided by the institution, which will give you data on campus crime over the past few years.

5 months ago

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